Contractors alerted to £3bn framework

London councils are on the lookout for contractors to work on a £3bn construction framework.

The general works framework will run for five years and include new-build, refurbishment and retrofit works to buildings of all kinds.

The London Borough of Haringey is running the £3bn framework on behalf of the London Construction Programme (LCP). It could include work on any properties in the residential, commercial, heritage and community sectors.

Suppliers on the framework could also get work on any buildings operated by the public sector – such as in policing, health, fire and rescue, and care homes.

The framework will begin in September 2025. It will replace the most recent general works framework, which expired last October.

It will be split into 16 lots, based on the sector and value of the contract. Lots named GN1-GN3 will all be for new-build work. GN1 will be for work valued at up to £7.5m, with GN2 valued at between £6m and £15m, and GN3 for projects worth more than £14m.

Contractors appointed to Lot GNPS will also work on new-build projects, with no minimum value set.

Fire safety is the focus of lots GF1, GF2, GF3 and GFPS. Again, GF1 will be for work worth up to £7.5m, while GF2 will be for jobs worth between £6m-£15m.

Lot GF3 will be for projects worth more than £14m, and GFPS will be for projects of any value.

Retrofit and refurbishment are the focus of lots GR1, GR2, GR3 and GRPS. They have values of up to £7m, between £6m and £15m, more than £15m and without a set value, respectively.

Finally, lots GP1, GP2, GP3 and GPPS are for planned preventative maintenance. They are also set at values of up to £7m, between £6.5m and £15m, above £14.5m and another without a set value.

Those interested in a spot on the framework should submit their tenders here by 5pm on 21 April.

McLaren and Graham were among the contractors awarded a spot on the most recent edition of the LCP Major Works Programme in 2019. That framework was valued at £5bn.

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