Should you do more reps or lift heavier weights? A trainer weighs in

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When it comes to strength training, popular fitness modalities take vastly different approaches. From low-impact options like Pilates and barre that focus on light weight or bodyweight-only moves, to athletic-style training that builds muscle through heavy lifting.

While it’s great to have so many options, it can be a bit confusing. Influencers on social media with enviably muscular bodies post videos of them reaching new weight PRs, making slipping a few more plates on a barbell seem like the way to go. But watching sculpted physiques walk out of Pilates makes it clear that the low weight, high repetition approach is just as effective.

The truth is, both methods can be an good way to build lean muscle. So let’s break down the benefit of lifting heavy weights for lower reps versus lifting light weights for higher reps and how to decide which is the best way to strength train for your goals.

What’s better: low weight, high reps or high weight, low reps?

The isn’t black and white. Both approaches can be effective at burning fat, building muscle and toning the body.

Lifting heavier weight for less repetitions builds muscle strength and causes muscles to fatigue faster. Moderate or lighter weights with more repetition develops muscle endurance. Depending on your goals, you may be interested in increasing muscle mass, or you may be hoping to preserve lean muscle mass, which is especially important as you get older. And if you want to lose weight, both heavy lifting and lighter lifting can help you burn fat.

And let’s not forget that you don’t even need weights at all to build strength. Bodyweight exercises can be extremely effective for building muscle in both the upper and lower body. Pushups, pullups and tricep dips all challenge the upper body, while squats, lunges and calf raises are all exercises that build strength in the lower body sans weights.

A 2024 study on women’s strength training confirmed previous research that primarily focused on men. Researchers found that the general advice from The American College of Sports Medicine did produce results: Performing 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions at 70 to 85 percent of your one-rep max weight helped beginners gain strength and muscle.

How to strength train for your fitness goals

When it comes to aesthetic goals, many women desire sleek, toned muscles. That look is usually achieved by doing more repetitions with lighter weights.

I also always consider my client’s lifestyle when developing a training plan. Many people come to me stressed out or fatigued and unable to lose weight. When cortisol levels are high, the last thing their body needs is more stress on their body, which is why exerting yourself at maximum capacity with heavy weights can sometimes be counterproductive. In these cases, I shy away from lifting heavy and instead suggest exercising at a consistent and steady state with lower weights and higher repetitions.

On the flip side, lifting heavy weights can increase muscle mass and strength. If you are someone who doesn’t feel stressed out by fitness and loves a challenge, heavier weights may be a good choice for you. Even if weight loss is your goal, if you aren’t battling chronic stress then exercising with heavier weights for less repetitions may be perfect for you at this stage in your fitness journey.

I always advise my clients to try a workout program consistently for three weeks. If you don’t see results after 21 days, then it’s time to mix it up. So if you feel like lifting heavier weights with less repetitions is best for your body right now, give it a try! If you lift heavier weights, you’ll likely notice that your strength increases faster — which may be your goal! If you commit to the training style for a few weeks and aren’t seeing results, that’s a sign you may want to drop the weight and see if a lighter weight, higher rep approach is right for your body.

How do I know when it is time to increase my weight or reps?

We all want to feel like we’re making progress in our fitness routine. So if you’ve been committed to strength training, you may be wondering how to know when it is time to take things to the next level. And, does progress mean increasing weight, doing more reps or both?

If you’re someone, like me, who bulks up easily — and doesn’t want to — then the answer is to stick to lower weights and progress your training by doing more reps or mixing up your exercises.

I don’t lift weights heavier than 7 pounds because when I do, my shoulders, back and chest bulk up in a way that I don’t like. So, I prefer to stick to my 3- or 5-pound dumbbells. If I start to feel bored with my routine or like the workout is too easy, then I change the exercises entirely and challenge my body in a different way by using resistance bands or doing bodyweight moves. Instead of increasing the weight, I just change up the exercises altogether.

If you prefer to track progression through weight or reps, try this: Start with 8 repetitions of 3-5 exercises using 3-pound weights. Perform three rounds of all of the exercises in the circuit. Then, after doing this every other day for 2-3 weeks, increase your repetitions to 10. Repeat for 2-3 weeks. Then increase the repetitions to 12, and finally up to 15. Once you’re performing 3 rounds of 15 reps for 2-3 weeks, increase the weight to 4- or 5-pound dumbbells, and then repeat the whole cycle.

If this is too easy and you feel like the progress is too slow, then speed it up! But try to focus on your overall strength and muscle tone to gauge how effective your fitness routine is. It all comes down to how you want to look and feel in your body.

This article was originally published on

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